About Me

Silas Reinagel Giving a Live Software Talk

I'm Silas Reinagel, a software engineer, project manager, writer, and software mentor.

As a programmer, I write mostly in C# and Java, and specialize in Microservice Architecture, Distributed Computing, Messaging Patterns, Object-Oriented Design, and Automated Testing. I have been creating software solutions for over 20 years, and have worked in Manufacturing, Medical, Legal, eCommerce, Hospitality, Internet Privacy, and Crypto-Currency industries.

As a project manager, I have organized teams to deliver a variety of software projects: video games, microservices, libraries, and desktop applications. In particular, I thrive at delivering highly resource constrained projects, such as rapid prototypes, game jams, and tightly scoped web services.

As a writer, I have written over 60 technical blogs posts, as well as a book on Office Work Culture and a book on Project Management.