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Reactive Advantages - One Integration

One of the pains of working in a horizontal system is the number of integrations that must occur. Typically, this leads to bloated, fragile, and complex service configurations. There are ways to mitigate this pain (such as Service Discovery), but moving to a reactive architecture prevents this problem in a very different way.


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Messaging Conceptual Fundamentals

Message-centric systems are naturally flexible, since they focus on the communication patterns of a system instead of concrete behaviors, they are loosely coupled, and they expose the information needed to trace data flows and replace or enrich behavioral components of the system. Building well-designed message-driven systems requires a strong understanding of general messaging patterns and message types. What are the messaging fundamentals?


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Elegant Event Triggers

Often as you are working on a project, you will receive a request that incidentally impacts a large portion of your API. Maybe an email needs to be sent every time a customer takes certain actions. How can you implement this kind of feature without making changes to a large portion of your codebase?


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Using ORMs and DTOs Elegantly

There has been a lot of backlash against Data Transfer structures and using Data Mapping libraries in recent years. Many have argued that neither of these have any place in a modern, elegantly-designed application. Having worked extensively with many different approaches of external data intergrations, I find that it is rather easy to use these tools correctly, while avoiding many of the downsides. I will show you how to use ORMs and DTOs elegantly.