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Next-Level Information Systems

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the quest for efficiency and clarity in the ocean of data we navigate daily has led to the development of sophisticated information systems. From the rudimentary to the revolutionary, these systems serve as the backbone of our digital society, empowering users to distill complexity into actionable insights. Embark on a journey with me through the tiers of information systems, exploring how they transform chaos into structure and ignorance into understanding.


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AI - Prompting for Structured Data

AI LLMs are very powerful. They can be used to generate text, code, and even structured data. In this post, I’ll show you how I use LLMs and prompt engineering techniques to generate structured data for powering applications to deliver a consistent experience.


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Don't Wear Too Many Hats

There are 24 hours in a day. That’s one of the universal constraints that exists for everyone no matter how gifted, talented, or hard-working. How can an engineering leader deliver consistently high-quality work within the natural constraint of time? Focus. That’s how. How can a leader focus, when they have many, many different job responsibilities? Read on to find out.


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The Cushy Job of an Engineering Leader

What does an engineering lead/manager actually do? Is it all just fake work to make a nicely colored calendar? Is it a cushy and lucrative gig? Are they overworked? Or perhaps it’s just the right amount of responsibility? Here’s an inside scoop on what engineering leaders are actually doing. (Spoiler alert: …never mind, I don’t want to spoil it… you’ll have to read the post). Read on to find out: