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The Best Idea in Agile

Agile Software Development is something that has become massive. It’s been monetized, muddled, misunderstood, and misused. But there is one thing from the agile revolution that is a genuine leap forward and will likely long outlast everything else from agile. Read on to find out.


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High-Performance ThreeJS - Page Startup Scripting

ThreeJS is a powerful technology that opens the door to many new web experiences. However, it’s not easy to optimize for performance. There are several articles detailing improving the runtime performance of ThreeJS, but remarkably few focus on initial page load performance. Here is my contribution to the body of knowledge.


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Career Keystone - Communication

Great engineering requires visibility. People must know what you are creating and what problems are solved. If people don’t know about your work, it can’t impact the world. Communication skills are vital. Your communication skills are a force multiplier that will substantially increase your opportunities and world impact.


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Career Keystone - People

Great engineering is a team sport. You can’t do great engineering alone. People empower you. They guide you. They fund the projects. You need people to win! Great career success depends on the people involved in your work. How are people interwoven into your career trajectory? Read on to find out.