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Radical Work Paradigm - 3 Hour Workday

As a new year begins, I have a new work paradigm to propose for all information workers. This one is radically countercultural, but incredibly powerful – even life-changing. It’s the step that will take your personal capabilities to the next level, and give you the daily freedom that your soul yearns for.


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Keep Critical Values In Your Tests

One of the keys to a well-written unit test is clarity. A great unit test should be short, focused on a single use case, easy to read, and free from noise or complex setup. Here, I will talk briefly about where the critical values should live, inside a test.


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Compose Your Software

For any non-trivial program to grow in maintainable manner, it must be composed of structures, and small substructures, and even smaller substructures. There are several different prevailing paradigms about HOW you should compose your software. Here is a brief overview of the different types of software composition.


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How Slack Harms Projects

Presently, real-time communication tools such as Slack are very popular in business environments. However, use of these tools creates a culture that harms projects. It negatively impacts planning accuracy, implementation quality, product refinements, and design quality. I will tell you about the many issues created by real-time messaging in workplaces, and how to remedy your work culture.